Shanghai CHP Technology Co., Ltd. Free member Send Message

Company Type : Manufacturers
Country : SHANGHAI / China
Address :Building 4, No.686, Nanfeng Road, Fengcheng Town, Fengxian District, Shanghai/ SHANGHAI / China
Employees :
Annual Revenue :
Contact : VICKY ZHANG ( )
Web Site :
Phone : 008618803318835
Fax :
Brands : CHP,
Received Orders : 0
Company Info
Shanghai CHP Technology Co. , Ltd(CHP Tech , Brand: Cobeir) is set up on February , 2011. Our company adhering to the business philosophy of "advancing against adversity and moving against current" , is committed to improving product quality and exporting products for domestic partners , and providing foreign customers and friends with advanced , high-quality and affordable products as their responsibility. CHP Technology has its own production plant ,