Shandong Kairui Chemistry Co., Ltd. Free member Send Message

Company Type : Manufacturers
Country : / China
Address : No.1, Fuqian South Road, Xuecheng Chemical Industrial Park, Xuecheng District, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, China / / China
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Contact : YANG  SHANGCHAO ( )
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Phone : 15318029019
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Company Info
Shandong Kairui Chemistry Co. , Ltd. is located in Xuecheng Chemical Industrial Zone of Zaozhuang City , plant size is around 67 , 000 m2 , adopts advanced continuous mass production technology and DCS automatic control system. Built with 5 workshops for Phosphonates , Polycarboxylic Polymers , Biocides etc. , company’s monomers production capacity achieve 280 , 000 tons per year. Besides industrial water treatment , our products are also widely used in oil