JX Shot Blasting Machine Manufacturer Co., Ltd. Free member Send Message

Company Type : Manufacturers
Country : Fujian / China
Address :No.35 Furong South Road, Meishan Town, Nanan City, Fujian, China./ Fujian / China
Employees :
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Contact : ELLEN ZHANG ( )
Web Site : http://www.jxabrasives.com
Phone : 86-595-86588998
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Company Info
JX Abrasives: China shot blasting machine manufacturer of shot blasting machine , - metal abrasive , steel shot , steel grit , cut wire shot in China. JX Shot Blasting Machine Manufacturer Co. , Ltd.(JX Abrasives) is specialized manufacturer of Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine; Hook Shot Blasting Machine; Tumble Shot Blasting Machine; Table Machine; Blasting Room; Steel Shot; Steel Grit; Cut Wire Shot. These products have a lot of materials , configu