Hebei Focus Piping Co.,Ltd Free member Send Message

Company Type : Manufacturers
Country : Cangzhou / China
Address :Dongmaoquan,Industrial Zone,Yanshan County,Cangzhou,Hebei Province,China.061300/ Cangzhou / China
Employees :
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Contact : BERNIE LI ( )
Web Site : http://www.focuspiping.com
Phone : +86 191 6754 8646
Fax :
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Received Orders : 0
Company Info
With the growing demand for efficiency , reliability and sustainability in the industry , we believe now is an excellent time to explore possibilities for collaboration. We believe that with our company's expertise and experience in product categories , production facilities , innovative ideas and quality control , we can provide excellent value-added services for your projects. 1) Products are Pipes , Flanges , Fittings cover Elbow , Tee , Reducer