Shandong Shengda New Material Co. Free member Send Message

Company Type : Manufacturers
Country : jinan / China
Address :1512 Huiyuan Plaza, Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong, China/ jinan / China
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Contact : RAY XU ( )
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Phone : +86 13176027703
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Company Info
The headquarter office of Shandong Shengda New Material Co. , Ltd. is located in the beautiful spring city , Jinan , Shandong. We have 2 factories , one old factory and one new factory. There are 16 production lines in both factories , with a capacity of 60 , 000 tons per year. Both plants use the traditional horizontal reactor production process. Compared with the new process , the old process has less output and higher cost , but the hydroxypropyl and m